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“Igra sadrži najplemenitija svojstva što ih čovjek može zamijetiti i izraziti u stvarima.”

J. Huizinga

Deseci tisuća gledatelja uživali su u našim odličnim predstavama!


Nadolazeće izvedbe predstava iz naše produkcije i gostujućih predstava


UPISI U DRAMSKI STUDIO (sezona 2024./2025.)

POZOR GLUMCI!!! Upisi u Dramski studio su ponovo u tijeku, a s radom započinjemo sredinom...
6 listopada, 2024

Televisa presenta…

Ekipa FAKin teatra kreirala je dinamičnu, pametnu i zabavnu predstavu u predstavi, s telenovela predznakom....
12 siječnja, 2024

UPISI U DRAMSKI STUDIO (sezona 2023./2024.)

Divne vijesti za sve dramaše! Ponovo upisujemo članove i s radom započinjemo početkom 2024. godine....
7 prosinca, 2023

Testosteron stiže i u Koprivnicu!

Najnovija komedija iz koprodukcije Ludens teatra, Teatra EXIT i Kulturnog centra Osijek pronašla je svoj...
7 kolovoza, 2023

Iz naše produkcije

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  • “This theme does it all! The features this theme is packed with that other themes don’t cover are incredible. The out of the box custom changes that are simply built into this theme will make it exciting for any level user setting up their site with Creativo 5.0. “
    Isaac Farr - MojoMarketplace.com
  • “This theme is really awesome, the service is excellent, the features incredible & easy to use. I can only recommend this theme. Whatever you need this theme does it all and if you need something special Stef is always there and helps you. Thank you Stef!!!”
    Klaus Tschmarke -
  • “Excellent theme. Easy to use, powerful visual editor, slider, and 3d portfolio. Even if you have no experience with wordpress , you can move on so quickly to create your own site. Last but not least word: support !!! Had to drop a few mails about some questions. Responses were always prompt, helpful. I do strongly sugget everyone to buy it, use it… I guess beside me thousands of buy outs, agree it.”
    Necdet Kabil -

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